Hong Kong Inn is a kitschy little fast-food Chinese restaurant that has hands down THE BEST egg rolls around. I always get the Sesame Chicken Plate, and it always makes me happy. We've been eating there for over 12 years now. It's the one "American" Chinese restaurant I actually miss when we're overseas.
After Hong Kong Inn came Andy's frozen custard, Cider Days (where I met the lovely Silje and Rachel of Red Velvet Art - they are both so sweet!), bookstore browsing, coffee, thrifting, more coffee, more bookstore browsing, more thrifting, cd hunting, and a whole lot of reminiscing. (This was all spread out over a few days, of course. We're good, but we're not that good!)
We were also pleasantly surprised at how the atmosphere in Springfield is becoming more and more family-friendly and community oriented. A couple of months ago, we were lucky enough to be in town for First Friday Art Walk. The area all around the square was literally filled with people of all ages, backgrounds, etc., people with strollers, people with dogs, people playing music or selling artwork on the sidewalk. It was such a contrast from when we were in college - all you would see back then were teenage wanna-be "vampires" (yes, they were teenagers who actually ran around the square in black trench coats and makeup pretending to be vampires), a few homeless guys, and drunk college students stumbling in and out of bars. Even Commercial Street, which was known mainly for its homeless shelter, has gotten a total revamp in the last couple of years. It really is amazing how much the atmosphere there is changing.
We're back home now, happy to be sleeping in our own bed again. The puppy is doubly happy to be out of the kennel! No more big trips for a while, at least not that we know of. Of course, that could always change!